Shadows Cast
Raphaëlle Boitel / Cie L'Oublié(e)
Duration 1h10 - all public from 10 years old
Creation 2021
A family, a secret, destinies that change.
A physical and choreographic piece, with a particularly cinematographic atmosphere, which plunges us into the heart of the unspoken, its repercussions in our relationships and in our psychic construction. To the discovery of our shadows and the courage buried in our hearts…
© Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Direction and choreography Raphaëlle Boitel
Artistic collaboration, lighting, scenography, Spider design Tristan Baudoin
Original music Arthur Bison
Machinery, hangers, stage Nicolas Lourdelle
Sound space Nicolas Gardel
Interpreters Tia Balacey, Mohamed Rarhib, Nicolas Lourdelle, Alba Faivre, Vassiliki Rossillion, Alain Anglaret
Sound control Nicolas Gardel
Stage management David Normand ou Tristan Baudoin
Lighting control Sébastien Pirmet ou Tristan Baudoin
Constructions, accessories Anthony Nicolas
Technical accomplice in creation Thomas Delot
© Christophe Raynaud de Lage
Cie L'Oublié(e) - Raphaëlle Boitel with the help of Si Par Hasard

Agora PNC Boulazac Aquitaine – Tandem scène nationale Arras Douai – Théâtre de Bourg-en-Bresse – scène conventionnée –
Le Grand T – theater of Loire Atlantique – Carré – Colonnes – scène nationale – La Plateforme 2 Pôles Cirque en Normandie / La Brèche in Cherbourg and the Cirque-Théâtre d’Elbeuf –
Château Rouge – scène conventionnée d’Annemasse –
Le Carré Magique, PNC in Brittany, Lannion
© Christophe Raynaud de Lage
The Cie L'Oublié(e) - Raphaëlle Boitel is subsidized by the Ministry of Culture DRAC - Nouvelle Aquitaine and in companionship with L'Agora PNC Aquitaine of Boulazac, subsidized by the region Nouvelle Aquitaine, the department of Dordogne and the city of Boulazac Isle Manoire